Going Virtual – November 19-22, 2020
It’s almost that time of the year again—time for our annual Sikhlens: Sikh Arts and Film Festival. This year will be a little different. Although most of the events will be virtual, we have some exciting programming planned for you. In addition to our usual films, art exhibition, and book launches, this year our schedule will include several lectures by some very interesting Sikh personalities. We will also have virtual musical performances by Sikh artists and even a couple comedians.
Keep an eye out for our Sikhlens newsletters (click to subscribe), and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Lots more to follow @sikhlens
Festival Schedule:
If you missed our live streams, you can watch on YouTube now…
Day 1: Opening Night (Thursday)
Day 2: Red Carpet Night (Friday) is no longer available.
Day 3: Sikhlens Talks I (Saturday)
Day 3: Creative Sikhs I & II (Saturday)
Day 3: Saturday Night at the Movies is no longer available.
Day 4: Sikhlens Talks II (Sunday)
Day 4: Sikhlens Talks III (Sunday)
Day 4: Comedian Tarlok Singh Chugh (Sunday)
Day 4: Sikhlens Virtual Concert (Sunday)
…and don’t forget to subscribe!